professionelle videoproduktion berlin

New concepts and ideas are popping up every day about professional video production. With so many different Types of videos, it can be difficult to know where to start when creating your own video content. If you want your video content to stand out, you need to think outside the box and go beyond the basic techniques everyone else is using. To make your videos look professional and high quality, you need to be creative while focusing on the details that make a big difference. In this blog post, we’ll share some insider tips on how you create a more effective video production with a few simple approaches.

Videos are a powerful medium for any brand, organization or business. They have the ability to reach new audiences by going viral and connecting with people in a direct way – while also being short and easy to digest. There are many things about professional video production that you may not know, but that will help make your final product even more effective. Here are 5 tips for professional video production which you probably haven’t heard about this dynamic visual medium.

1 – Create a professional video production that at the same time looks amateurish and authentic

Professional video content can often look cliché, too perfect, and most importantly, like “boring advertising.” When producing your video, try to make it as high quality as possible while making it feel amateurish and authentic at the same time. This way, viewers will feel like they’re watching a real, authentic moment rather than a polished corporate video with staged moments. This will also make your video much more engaging, as viewers won’t feel like they’re watching an annoying corporate ad that they want to click away as quickly as possible. Especially on social media, which is where the vast majority of videos reach their audience these days, no one actually wants to watch ads. However, if your video looks authentic and blends in perfectly with the sphere of privately created videos, you can manage to overcome the short attention span at the beginning. A first contact at eye level with your customers creates familiarity with your brand and brings you more reach.

2 – Give the video producer artistic freedom

You have an idea for a professional video production and you have to spend a lot of money on it. So it’s understandable that you have the urge to be able to determine every detail. But try it differently. Admittedly, it takes a lot of courage and confidence to go this route. However, don’t forget that after a lot of research you have chosen a creative professional who was able to convince you with examples of previous work. Just as you have thousands of skills, lots of experience and expertise in your own industry, a video producer will be knowledgeable in their own field. If you let the creative professionals in your project proceed with artistic freedom, it will release lots of energy and creativity. This will result in you ending up with a video that doesn’t look like a basic boring template, but really stands out from the crowd. If you include it in your budget, you can still have enough control over your project in the pre-production with tools like collaborative brainstorming, mood boards, storyboards and the script. Trust but also proper communication are the most important things to allow great creativity while avoiding negative surprises. If you and the video team had fun while shooting, it will be noticeable in the final video. This is exactly what will open the doors to a much larger audience for you.

3 – Avoid corporate video clichés or just make a parody out of them

If you watch most videos, you will notice that almost all of them contain certain recurring elements or themes. The most common clichés found in corporate videos feature an inflated and untrustworthy self-promotion. To make your video production stand out and be unique, you should avoid using clichés in your videos. If you can’t avoid them altogether, you can also parody them. Parodying corporate video clichés is a great way to stand out from the crowd and make your video more interesting. It shows brilliancy, a sense of irony and humour, self-consciousness and trend awareness.

4 – Don’t make a video about your product or brand, make a video that is fun to watch

Most companies focus too much on showing their product when it comes to brand communication. However, the audience on the internet and especially on social media only watches videos to the end that are fun and entertaining. The rest is clicked away after 5 seconds at most. If you’re already investing money in a professional video production, of course you want it to be watched. That’s why – even if it may sound paradoxical – it’s recommended to detach yourself from your intuitions from everyday business and focus on the entertaining nature of the video instead of the extensive presentation of your product. The more your product, service, or brand fades into the background of the video idea, the more are the chances that your video will get exponentially more views. When people enjoy your video, not only do they share it online more often, they’re more likely to talk about it or pull out their phones during conversations to show it to others. Even videos that need to be informative or cover a serious topic can still be produced in an entertaining style. The bottom line is that we’re talking about a sort of movie here and, as you know, there are good movies in every genre.

5 – Make fun of yourself and go for a self-conscious brand-profile

Another great way to get attention through professional video production is to make fun of yourself. Being humorous about your branding will make viewers feel more relaxed and comfortable. It also makes viewers feel like they’re watching an authentic video. When you make fun of your weaknesses, for example, it’s easy for viewers to identify with you. It’s very rare that people share shiny produced ultra-professional ads on social media. It even happens much more that such brands are then “bashed” i.e. heavily criticized in social media for the small flaws behind their polish. However, there are now very many examples of brands that have managed to celebrate huge viral successes with their video campaigns using humorous videos that don’t take themselves too seriously. Edeka and BVG are the best-known examples of this in German-speaking countries. The advantage of such a campaign is not only the measurable one. You probably know from own experience how much more effective it can be when a friend tells a group of people how great a particular brand’s video campaign is. With a dry, unremarkable promotional video, you have to pay for every view and every click. Organically shared videos make at least twice the reach of the paid/boosted ones on top by themselves. An awareness-focused brand profile is furthermore the best thing to have these days.


Those were 5 good tips about professional video production that you won’t hear very often. Despite everything, this is just a very short essay (in relation to the topic). If you get a personal consultation or a brainstorming session, there are quite a few more points that can maximize the success of your video production. Even the points listed here can be illuminated with much more detail and made understandable with examples. That is beyond the scope of this article. If you are planning a professional video production in the near future, just get in touch for a free initial consultation. You can check out video examples from take9 videoproduktion on the home page while you’re here.


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